TFS Fuel Services Begins Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF) Supply at Istanbul Airport
TFS Fuel Services has taken an important step in the sustainability of aviation fuels and started to supply Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF) to Turkish Airlines’ aircraft that will fly to Paris, the capital of France. TFS Akaryakıt Hizmetleri A.Ş. has added a new one to the steps it has taken within the scope of sustainability […]
A World First in Jet Fuel Supply
TFS preferred to use electric vehicles for its aircraft refueling operations on the Istanbul Airport apron. [Istanbul, Turkey]: TFS Akaryakıt Hizmetleri A.Ş. broke new ground by having the jet fuel supply vehicles used on the apron manufactured electrically with a project developed together with its domestic stakeholders within the scope of the Jet Fuel supply […]